Starting a home renovation can be thrilling and overwhelming at the same time. It involves making thorough planning and making plenty of design decisions. A crucial step you shouldn’t skip in your project is obtaining permits. Read on to discover what can happen when you fail to secure these necessary documents before starting construction.

Higher Risk of Substandard Work
Skipping the permit process increases the risk of substandard work. Without a permit, there’s no guarantee the construction will be inspected. It means any flaws or building code violations could go unnoticed. Such oversight could compromise your home’s structural integrity and value.
Homeowner’s Insurance Complications
Insurance protects one of your biggest investments, which is your home. Your insurer might not cover damage resulting from unpermitted work. It could pose a significant financial risk should any structural issues or accidents arise from the non-permitted renovation.
Legal and Financial Consequences
You may have to redo your renovation if city inspectors discover you had the work done without permits. This translates to lost investments and additional costs for demolition and reconstruction in compliance with local regulations. Fines and penalties for non-compliance can also inflate your renovation costs.
Reduced Property Value
If you have plans to list your property in the future, the more reason you must get permits before your renovation. Appraisers won’t include unpermitted additions when they calculate your home’s value. It could mean significant financial loss when it comes time to sell.
If you’re planning a major renovation, working with reputable professionals and adhering to local building codes are essential. Always secure the necessary permits before starting the work to avoid stress and inconvenience. Let Cottage Industries, Inc. handle your next home improvement project. Call us at (610) 293-9750 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.